Connecting a K3S, P3, and SteppIR Controller
Last August, I purchased a used three element SteppIR with a passive 6m element. It included a 2005 vintage Fluid Motion controller. Over the winter, I sent it to SteppIR to be checked out for recommended repairs and any upgrades that made sense. The controller is very old and will eventually need replacing (See Figure 1). Figure 1 FluidMotion Controller SteppIR assembled and tested the entire antenna at their facility to verify it worked. The found it in good condition overall and suggested several replacements and a couple upgrades that I went with. They told me to buy the cable for the K3S since I didn't have one when I bought the antenna. As part of my process, I reassembled most of the antenna in the basement and verified the controller moved the elements like they are supposed to. Everything checked out. I then proceeded to connect the controller with the S26 cable to the K3S and just the controller. The antenna was still in the basement. The idea was to verify radio to contr...