Refurbishing SteppIR Fiberglass Protection Tubes
I had been eyeing a three element SteppIR for some time. Purchasing one was part of my long term station improvement plans. In August 2019, I noticed a unit being offered by a fellow MRRC member. He was helping another ham dismantle his station in preparation for moving into a condo. The price was right and I purchased the unit. The system was a 2007 vintage unit. It had given the previous owner years of performance and was still working when it was brought down. The trip to Ohio was nice and the timing worked out that I could attend DX Engineering's hamfest. The wife (KC0RBV) and kids came with me. My son and daughter were okay with the ham radio stuff, but loved seeing the cars in Summit Racing. We also did a quick visit to Cuyahoga Valley National Park . I highly recommend it if you are in the area. SteppIR offers a free service where you can send your older unit in for them to evaluate it and make recommendations on needed repairs and upgrades. You pay for shipping and par...